
After PyDays Vienna’s ragingly successful premiere in 2017, a sequel was only natural, a sequel with even more Python goodness for the local Python community in Vienna. The talks had something for everyone in web development, automation and (data) science, as well as inspiring keynotes on social coding aspects. We look back on two days with (how many) talks and 3 workshops.

Preceding PyDays Vienna 2018 a SciPyWomen workshop took place at the TU Wien where we introduced Pythons scientific computing environment to 18 interested women*. We covered some Python basics as well as more advanced topics with SciPy, NumPy and Pandas.

A week later #PyDays18 was hosted by Linuxwochen Austria at the University of Applied Sciences FH Technikum. There were 35 talks with a variety of topics which are best presented by reminiscing on some popular tweets:

We went from social topics…

… to web development, some automation, machine learning and data science talks, and exceptionally fun one like this here about unicode.

Or this one where we even enjoyed some live programming.

In between talks we had some brilliant sandwiches for hungry Pythonistas

And on the second day we had not one PyPie but three!

The booth in front of the big lecture hall welcomed seasoned Pythonistas and everybody else who was interested in the language

Of course PyDays Vienna would not have been possible without all its voluntary organizers and our lovely sponsors

And of course our gracious host Linuxwochen Wien.

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